Incident - Some Emails Not Sent From TalentLink 17/02/2022

Posted about 2 years ago by Trainee BP

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Trainee BP Admin

Good afternoon

It has been brought to our attention that there is an issue with some emails not being sent from TalentLink to candidates. 

We have raised this as a critical incident with Cornerstone who have started their investigation into the matter. 

If you have seen the same behaviour with your emails, please raise a ticket via the service centre, indicating the job title and reference number, details of who the email was sent to, the type of email e.g. interview invitation, shortlisting email and finally the date/time the email was sent.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. We will provide a further update as soon as we are able.

Kind regards,


WMJobs Team

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Trainee BP posted about 2 years ago Admin

Good morning

We're pleased to share that, following an issue with emails being sent from TalentLink on the EMEA3 platform (the server on which our slice of TalentLink is located), a fix was deployed by Cornerstone last week and our testing shows that emails are now leaving the system and being received within a normal and expected timeframe.

Thank you for your patience whilst we have been investigating this issue.

Kind regards,


WMJobs Team

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Trainee BP posted about 2 years ago Admin

Good afternoon

We would like to advise that we continue to closely monitor this situation and are also still in liaison with Cornerstone about the overall performance of emails as well as individual cases raised by subscribers.

Should you notice any unexpected behaviour, please raise a ticket via the service centre.

Kind regards,


WMJobs Team

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Trainee BP posted about 2 years ago Admin

Good afternoon

We're pleased to confirm that Cornerstone were able to deploy a fix to the system to resolve this issue and initial testing shows that emails are now leaving the system, although on occasion they may take 15-20 minutes to reach their destination.

The team will continue to test into next week and we will provide you with a further update on root cause once we have this information.

Thank you for your patience and once again, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Kind regards,


WMJobs Team

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